A True new business opens in Clarksdale
By Jack Criss
Dynamic Washing Solutions, started by entrepreneur Ford True, just recently began operations in True’s hometown of Clarksdale. The business started in June–but the response has been positive so far, True says, and he predicts it will only get better.
“The wheels started turning for me when a friend of mine started a similar business,” says True, who has been a farmer–and remains one–for most of his career. “And there was a definite need for this type of service here in the Delta. What we offer at Dynamic Washing Solutions is pressure washing and steam cleaning for homes, businesses and even farm equipment. For homes, we can clean driveways, patios, carports, roofs–you name it.”
What sets Dynamic Washing Solutions truly apart though, according to True, is what is called soft washing. “It’s a process used for the roofs of houses, commercial buildings and other wood structures–wood, vinyl siding and even brick can be permanently damaged by the water force of the types of washing machines typically used in this kind of business. Soft washing is using higher volumes of water but at much lower pressure,” says True. “And chemicals are also used in the process instead of just the high water pressure in other jobs. We use soft washing a lot on people’s roofs: when you see a black roof that’s typically the result of a buildup of algae, dirt and mildew–not tile color.The soft washing cleans such roofs right off with no damage.”
Cleaning farm and heavy equipment has been a big part of Dynamic Washing Solutions’ initial success, notes True. “Combines, cotton pickers, tractors, sprayers–any kind of farm equipment you name, I can clean it,” he says. “We’ve cleaned a lot of the trade-in farm equipment for new owners. We can also clean eighteen wheelers and large vehicles such as those for businesses that might need our services.”
Having funded the new business himself, True is currently in the process of hiring extra staff, “but right now, it’s just me!” he laughs. “Our Facebook and Instagram accounts helped us get the initial opening of Dynamic Washing Solutions out to the public but, since I started, word of mouth has gotten me a lot of business as well. And, I’m happy to work seven days a week, whenever or wherever I’m needed,” says True.

Dynamic Washing Solutions’ coverage area is the Delta and North Mississippi and even farther, depending on the size and scope of the job,” says True. “And, I think the sky’s the limit in terms of growth. I’m looking at introducing some new products and services, maybe as early as this fall, and I think it’s fair and probable to say that we could end up with several employees on staff. In fact, anyone who’s interested in going to work for us can contact me directly at 662-645-1119. Pricing of services is based on square footage. I always aim to provide a reasonable rate. We can provide a quote upfront–a free estimate–and if I get into the job and see where more work might be required I’ll let the client know.”