Business News for the Mississippi Delta

Goff Recognized for Service to Catfish Industry

Delta Magazine Graphics Designer Sandra Goff has been recognized for her many years of service to Catfish Farmers of America during CFA’s Annual Convention at Big Cedar Lodge in the Missouri Ozarks. 

Goff has been the graphics designer for The Catfish Journal for more than 30 years. In addition, she has produced CFA convention registrations and programs, as well as other assignments, during the same period.  

Journal Editor Mike McCall praised her steady support over three decades.   

“Without Sandra, it would have been impossible to produce more than 330 issues of the Journal while keeping the content at the high level that the catfish industry requires. She is amazing, a dedicated professional,” says McCall. Also, during the convention, McCall was presented CFA’s Distinguished Service Award.  

A resident of Ridgeland, MS, Goff is also a graphics designer for Delta Business Journal, The Mississippi Business Journal, and Mississippi Christian Living.