Mississippi Delta Community College has announced a significant increase in summer enrollment and a highly successful orientation season. Summer enrollment is up by six percent from last summer, and as of the conclusion of the last orientation session, fall enrollment is also up by six percent compared to this time last year.

Valerie Wilbert, Assistant Director of Admissions, believes the success can be attributed to the dedication and interpersonal approach taken by the orientation teams and campus as a whole.
“We took an individual approach by calling, emailing, and physically walking each applicant through the admissions process,” says Wilbert. “This could not have been done without the help of many other departments reaching out to follow up on interested students becoming fully admitted into various programs. New Student Orientation was amazing; during this time, we shared information with parents on FERPA and how they can become involved in further assisting their child with successfully maintaining enrollment.”

“The Office of Advising has been very busy with new student orientation as well as summer registration,” says Dr. Charnecca Barnes, Advising Coordinator. “However, the advising department did not do this alone. New Student Orientation and Summer registration were both a success.”

“A big thank you goes to our advising department, advisors, recruiters and orientation workers who have enabled MDCC to experience an increase in summer enrollment over last year’s numbers,” says Teresa Webster, Interim President. “These dedicated employees are relentless in their pursuits and should be commended for their fine work.”