Business News for the Mississippi Delta

The first edition of the Delta Business Journal published in June 1998.

Congratulations on the Delta Business Journal’s celebration of its 20th anniversary. This milestone represents a lot of hard work by you and your team.

Over the last two decades, the Delta Business Journal has become the voice of the Delta’s business community. As a native of Moorhead, I am partial to this region of our great state.

The Delta Business Journal provides a valuable service to its community. I look forward to that service continuing for many years to come. Congratulations again on this remarkable achievement.

Phil Bryant

Governor State of Mississippi

Jackson, MS


Congratulations to the Delta Business Journal for 20 years of providing the latest on industry trends, jobs and investment in the Mississippi Delta.

As a reader, I know when I pick up the Delta Business Journal I’m going to learn about the good news happening in the region as well as sharp reporting on the facts of any issue.

As an interview subject, I appreciate the professionalism and knowledge of the staff whenever we meet in the Delta.

It’s clear from their work that Scott and his team love the Mississippi Delta and are passionate about seeing the area grow and prosper.

I join your readers in wishing you success over the next 20 years and beyond.

Tate Reeves

Lieutenant Governor of Mississippi

Jackson, MS


On the occasion of the Delta Business Journal’s twentieth anniversary, I salute you and your colleagues for providing the Delta region with such an informative and high-class publication.

From business and agriculture to education and numerous other professional areas, you have covered a wide array of fields in a manner that is always informative and timely.

Congratulations on achieving this important milestone.

William N. Laforge


Delta State University    

Cleveland, MS


I vividly recall the day over two decades ago when a young businessman hailing originally from Shelby came to our offices and met with Chip and me. There is no question that the vision and determination he laid out that day to create a world-class business publication for the Mississippi Delta has resulted in outstanding success. This success by Scott and his team has been beneficial to not only the outside world seeing the robustness of our economy in the Delta, but also allowing those of us living here to be proud of our home and neighbors. Delta Council is pleased to have played a supporting role to the Delta Business Journal whenever asked, and we look forward to the next twenty years of capturing the unique and special qualities of the Mississippi Delta through the medium of the DBJ!

Frank Howell

Delta Council

Stoneville, MS


I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Scott Coopwood and the staff of Delta Business Journal for reaching its 20th year in publishing. Scott gave me my own start in the business publishing world almost 30 years ago and also allowed me to work as Editor of the DBJ from 2000 to 2004. When I look back, those were some of the most gratifying years of my career—mainly because of the attitude Scott brought to his work which was contagious and for the obvious love of his home, the Mississippi Delta.

Thanks to the Delta Business Journal’s influential and significant presence in Mississippi, the Delta is no longer seen as only the “Home of The Blues”; it is also seen as a major business sector and a region filled with tremendous entrepreneurs and innovators.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your story.

Jack Criss

Ridgeland, MS


The Delta Business Journal has been one of the most informative publications for me during the past 20 years. I have learned much about economic development and other happenings that have taken place in the Delta.

I am so proud of the journal’s efforts to keep the Delta people informed.

Thank you Scott and I certainly look forward to the future issues of the Delta Business Journal.

Dr. Kent Wyatt

Cleveland, MS


In the past 20 years the Delta Business Journal has published hundreds of stories that highlight the diverse and thriving business people and activities of the Mississippi Delta. For more than half that time, I have had the privilege of writing some of those articles. Many of the people I’ve interviewed are passionate champions of the Delta who love nothing better than to talk about how the Delta is a special place with much to recommend itself.

One of the best compliments I ever received about the writing I’ve done for Delta Business Journal was from someone who said it was an honorable and important task to work to provide communication about the positive business developments in a region in the country that is one of the most low-income in the country. Because the Delta is not always perceived favorably elsewhere in the country, it is particularly important to spotlight the successes, the things people are doing to improve schools, businesses, economy, communities and quality of life that make up the Delta.

I’ve also found that famous Delta hospitality in the gracious way sources have responded when I call them for information. Often, they were very busy, but took time to talk to me, provide information on email and send photos. Sources are rarely just sitting around waiting for a reporter to call. They have a lot else on their plate, but have taken the time to provide thoughtful and well-researched information. So, a big “thank you” to all the sources over the years who have made the stories in the Delta Business Journal possible.

Becky Gillette

Eureka Springs, Ark.


I want to congratulate you on the 20th Anniversary for the Delta Business Journal. Your publication is to be commended for supporting the business and agricultural community in our region for the past twenty years. You have dedicated your business life to the betterment of the Mississippi Delta region and I am most appreciative. Your publication just adds to the vitality of the region. Life in our region would not be the same without the Delta Business Journal and Delta Magazine.

Jimmy Clayton

Chairman and CEO

Planters Bank

Indianola, MS


Congratulations on your 20th birthday of the Delta Business Journal. You have done an outstanding job, and it has continually provided pertinent information to all the business leaders in the Delta. It seems like it was only the other day when you (Scott) came to Clarksdale to visit with Willis Connell and me at United Southern Bank to ask our opinion of such a venture. I’m so happy we both gave you a “thumbs up” and encouraged you to give it all you had for the benefit of the Delta. Obviously the results speak for themselves. The DBJ played a major role in supporting Covenant Bank with excellent positive articles from the day we opened until the day we merged with Planters Bank in 2016. Thanks, Scott, for your commitment to the Delta. Best wishes for another 20 years!

Willis Frazer

Clarksdale, MS


It seems hard to believe that Delta Business Journal is celebrating its 20th Anniversary and Delta Magazine is coming up on its 15th. Your publications are living proof that some extremely high quality products can come out of the Mississippi Delta. The Delta Business Journal has brought extensive coverage to many businesses and industries. It has been a pleasure for my associates and me to have worked with you over the years. Your journal and your magazine have been very informative, inspiring and educational! I wish you many more anniversaries.

Bill Luckett

Clarksdale, MS


Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the Delta Business Journal. It’s been wonderful at burnishing the image of the Delta, which could always use that kind of help. Both the content and the ads, I look forward to in every issue. Again, we express our appreciation.

Clarke Reed

Greenville, MS