Business News for the Mississippi Delta

Bradley F. Hathaway

Prominent in Law and Economic Development Bradley F. Hathaway, a partner with Campbell DeLong, LLP in Greenville, is known as someone with a stellar track record of representing clients while also finding time to hold a number of volunteer positions, including being a board member and past president of Washington County Economic Alliance and serving […]

Malika Polk-Lee

Lifting education, health and prosperity through the B.B. King Museum Malika Polk-Lee was expected to attend college after graduating from Greenville High School. Her maternal grandmother, Annie Mae Polk, instilled the importance of higher education in her children and grandchildren. “She was a force to be reckoned with,” says Polk-Lee, who is Executive Director of […]

Andy Dulaney

Tunica Mayor Leading With a Steady Hand Born and raised in Tunica, Andrews T. “Andy” Dulaney attended Tunica schools through the tenth grade before completing the 11th and 12th grade at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Va. After earning his undergraduate degree at Emory University in 1989, he graduated from University of Georgia School of […]

Patrick Davis

Success at State Farm and Community Leader State Farm, the largest insurance company in the country, is known for choosing agents who are very highly regarded in their communities. Patrick Davis, Owner Agent for the State Farm Insurance Agency in Cleveland, works hard to help customers understand what kind of insurance coverage they need, and […]

Tripp Hayes

New Delta Council President Continuing the Vision Clarksdale native Tripp Hayes, the new president of Delta Council, grew up on a farm. After graduating from Lee Academy, he went on to get a B.S. in banking and finance at the University of Mississippi.  His first job after college was with the Cotton Board in Memphis, […]