Brad Robison
A Career of Forward Thinking, Service To Community By Jack Criss • Photography By austin Britt As CEO of the Tallahatchie Valley Electric Power Association in Batesville, Brad Robison has established himself as a leader on issues affecting, not only his local coverage area, but also across the state, region and nation. And now, with […]
Gun Demand High
But Shortages Still Remain An Issue By Jack Criss With the ongoing pandemic, the election of 2020 and a new president, gun sales have reached record numbers in the U.S. including sales across the Delta. People are stockpiling for outdoor hunting activities or personal safety measures and many buying guns for the first time. This […]
Peter Nimrod
By Mark H. Stowers With 212 miles of levees and 360 miles of interior streams under his charge, Peter Nimrod stands tall as a Delta advocate. His work as the Levee Board Chief Engineer may find him standing on a levee one day and in Washington D.C. the next. Employed by a six county Board, […]
Key Solutions
A Top-Notch Computer Business Serving Customers Accross the Delta By Aimee Robinette The entire world has changed over the last year, incorporating more technology, and sometimes it is harder for businesses and even residents to keep up. Key Solutions in Leland and Cleveland understands the complex world of technology and provides paramount services to keep […]