Business News for the Mississippi Delta

Tech in Education

By Jason Dean  For decades, Mississippi was behind in education. However, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted many advancements that are giving Mississippi hope and a promising future. Although the state was already working hard on improving education, the pandemic added extra pressure to address multiple long-known issues such as lack of learning devices and few science, […]

Tackle the Tape

By Michael Watson Starting a business in Mississippi has always been a quick and easy process. However, many businesses still struggle to stay alive due to unnecessary government regulations, also known as “red tape.” Mississippi’s regulatory code contains roughly 118,000 restrictions, making us one of the most regulated states in the Southeast. As Mississippi’s Secretary […]

Peter Nimrod

By Mark H. Stowers With 212 miles of levees and 360 miles of interior streams under his charge, Peter Nimrod stands tall as a Delta advocate. His work as the Levee Board Chief Engineer may find him standing on a levee one day and in Washington D.C. the next.  Employed by a six county Board, […]

Entergy Mississippi’s Customer Initiative

By Haley Fisackerly With a pandemic, racial tension, political divisiveness and natural disasters, 2020 has been one of the more challenging years ever. While it is natural to want to bury those memories and look toward a more hopeful future, if we reflect on these last 12 months, we almost surely will find bright spots.  […]

Voting Issues

By Wyatt Emmerich I was okay with the idea of mail in voting until I learned what ballot harvesting was. Ballot harvesting is the practice of finding people who don’t have much interest in voting and persuading them to let an outside party fill out their ballot for them. It’s a vote by proxy, if […]

Tech Giants and Antitrust

By chip pickering America’s tech giants are not the problem and antitrust is not the solution. As we enter into a new age of competition and rivalry with China on strategic, on national security, on economic grounds, we have a lot of people in Washington who are wanting to now either break up or heavily […]

Initiative 65

By Phil Bryant There’s a $14 billion dollar industry that wants to sell their product in Mississippi. It’s backed by powerful and wealthy investment firms. Studies show their product is harmful to our health and will put our kids and vulnerable populations at risk. Yet, this out-of-state industry has devised a scheme to give themselves […]

Where are your tax dollars going?

By Shad White “We certainly pay a lot in taxes, Shad, and I hope all that money is being spent well!” is something I hear all the time as State Auditor. It’s an important point. You work hard for your income. You want to be sure it’s spent wisely.  With our state beginning a new […]

MPB committed to addressing state’s needs during pandemic

By Ronnie Agnew Mississippi Public Broad-casting’s 50th anniversary celebration, with events on the calendar through 2020, was well on its way toward paying tribute to the extraordinary work that over five decades has brought outstanding programming into the homes of Mississippians. MPB first hit the airwaves as Mississippi ETV February 1, 1970. In February 2020 […]

Reducing the Fear

By Wyatt Emmerich As Our State, and many others, begins to open back up for business, it’s scary as COVID-19 cases begin to rise. But let’s not panic. There’s no way back, only forward. The economic disaster of closing down will cause far more death and destruction than punching through. A couple of things to […]